This weeks new member to Made in Grimsby is one of the loveliest people I’ve met on my business-owning journey, and that is Sadie, of…
Bee and the Sea
I first discovered Sadie when I started running Made in Grimsby and then have had the joy of working with as part of the Original Emporium. Her ability to capture animals never fails to amaze me, and she is a naturally talented illustrator and artist.
It’s so difficult to write about artists, because what can you possibly say that will speak as loudly as pieces of art? So, let me introduce you to Sadie’s latest pieces that are currently available through the Bee and the Sea website, as well as from The Original Emporium and Anything Goes (both in Cleethorpes)..
Alongside her mugs and coasters, Sadie also offers a wide range of Tote Bags, Badges, Handpainted Pots, Bookmarks and stunning prints so check out the rest of her work. Make sure you check out The Bee and The Sea page in the directory to find out more about her, her journey and of course her adorable business.